Home » Team Team Julie Beavers Sales Agent, Realtor® Hampton Properties On Line JulieB@AerisHouse.com 602-466-9771 480-203-9868 My desire for additional opportunities to help people led me to join Aeris House Properties. My extensive supervisory nu... Rainie Collins Sales Agent , Realtor® Hampton Properties On Line RainieC@AerisHouse.com 602-466-9771 208-410-2326 Rainie Collins comes from a long line of real estate agents. She believes she inherited her love of real estate from her... Judy Murdock Designated Broker , Realtor® Hampton Properties On Line JudyM@AerisHouse.com 602-466-9771 480-238-3867 I joined the Aeris House team in 2016 as Designated Broker, bringing 12 years of successful property management and sale... Ashton Travis Sales Agent , Realtor® Hampton Properties On Line AshtonT@AerisHouse.com 602-466-9771 615-967-4959 Ashton Travis commenced his real estate career in 2015 within the mortgage industry. It was here that his fascination wi...