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Home Improvement Activities That Are Perfect For Father’s Day

Father and Son Having Bonfire

Is your dad the Mr. Fix It type who loves the challenge of doing DIY renovations? Then one of the best Father’s Day celebration ideas you can try is helping him complete projects around the house. The suggestions below range from quick upgrades to major makeovers, making them suitable for all budgets and skill levels:

Maintain the lawn

The front yard plays a big role in creating curb appeal, which is why it’s a point of pride for many dads. As one of your Father’s Day activities, why not help him make your lawn look magazine-ready? You can start by trimming the grass, then re-fertilizing the lawn to make it look evergreen. If you’re looking to gift something to your dad, consider purchasing a smart sprinkler system, which allows him to water your front yard with a few taps on his smartphone.

Update your landscaping

If your dad is the DIY type, you can use Father’s Day weekend to upgrade your home’s landscaping. There are many easy projects you two can undertake, such as adding a water fountain or laying down flagstone steps. Got a little wiggle room in your budget? You can also add features such as a fire pit or a patio to expand your house’s living space. 

Install a smart home system

Who wouldn’t want to be able to turn on the lights, play music, unlock doors, and set the thermostat using an app? Thankfully, all this is now possible thanks to smart home systems, which have become one of the most popular upgrades in recent years. If your dad isn’t particularly tech-savvy, do the honors of installing the system for him. Once everything is set up, be sure to also give your dad a quick demo on how to use this high-tech tool.

Design a mancave

It’s said that the home is a man’s castle. If so, then a mancave is his throne room. This room is a space where your dad can pursue his passions; as such, it can be a game room, a home theater, a hobby corner, or anything he wishes it to be. A lot of homeowners finish their basements so they can put in a man cave, but you can also convert your attic or any spare room into one.  

Put in an outdoor kitchen and grill

With summer just around the corner, outdoor barbecue season will soon be in full swing. Imagine if your dad can grill his favorite food in the comfort of an outdoor kitchen? This space can be the perfect venue for small alfresco gatherings with family and friends, especially as more people get vaccinated. It also gives the family more reason to step outside—a welcome respite after a year of sheltering in place.

As you can see, there are many fun things to do with your dad around the home. With the projects above, not only do you get an opportunity to bond with your father, you’ll also be boosting your home’s value.

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