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Fun Things About Chandler, AZ

chandler az town center

Hard Working

Chandler is a great place to live because the residents care about their community. Recently, Chandler, AZ was named the number one best place to find a job in America. On average, residents of Chandler work an average of 1,165 hours per year. And if that weren’t enough to impress, 31.7 percent of business owners in Chandler are women.

We Play Hard Too

In addition to working hard, residents of Chandler also know how to play hard. For the 11th year in a row, Chandler has received the coveted “Playful City USA” award. It is also a very bicycle-friendly city. The League of American Bicyclists has recently named Chandler as one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the U.S.

If you’re wondering what to do in Chandler, AZ, look no further. Chandler boasts six states of the aquatic art centers, a bicycle park, a skateboard park, several dog parks, and a winding 7.5-mile trail system known as the Paseo. Chandler loves recreation so much that it has 67 different parks. That’s one park per residential area.

Chandler also loves the arts. Over two million people have visited the Chandler Center for the Arts since its opening in 1989. The city also hosts the annual Tumbleweed holiday tree lighting festival, featuring 1,200 lights and over 2,000 tumbleweeds.

It’s a Great Place to Live

Chandler has residents of all ages, and it was even named in the top 100 cities for young people to live. In fact, the median age in Chandler is 34.1 years of age. Year-round, the average temperature in Chandler is a cool 85 degrees. The city of Chandler has a residential population density of 4,393 citizens per square mile and has never experienced a single day of snow.

A City of Growth

The Chandler Airport dates back to the 1920s when it first started regular commercial service flights. Now it is the 40th busiest airport in the country and has the most active FAA tower in the entire U.S.

Across from Chandler City Hall, “New Square” boasts the development of 150,000 square feet of office space, a luxurious hotel and has created around 700 new jobs. In addition to business development, Chandler is the only city in the U.S. to enact developments for autonomous vehicles.

A Humble Past

The City of Chandler was founded by a Canadian veterinarian from Quebec, Dr. Alexander J. Chandler. Shortly after the famed architect, Frank Lloyd Wright drew up plans for a second location of the San Marcos Resort, but it never came to fruition due to the Great Depression.

Last but Not Least

There is a famous crematorium in Chandler, known as “Crazy Carl’s Crematorium,” which is owned by local favorite, Crazy Carl.

A housing development was recently halted due to uncovering the remains of a prehistoric woolly mammoth.

Chandler is a great place to live, work and grow. If you would like to live in beautiful Chandler, the best Chandler, AZ realtors are ready to find you the best home at a great price.

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